Finish Line Near For Corn And Soybeans

June 6th, 2017


Category: Grains, Miscellaneous, Oilseeds

(Corn + Soybean Digest) –  Corn planting nears the finish line and farmers are not far behind in soybean planting.

The June 5 USDA Crop Progress shows farmers have planted 96% of the corn acres, down a mere 1% from the four year average of 97%.

All but one state (Pennsylvania at 82%) has planted more than 90% of their acres. Indiana, Michigan, Ohio and Wisconsin came in at 91% — lagging behind the majority of states in the 95-99% completion range.

Corn emerging

As of June 4, 86% of the corn planted across these 18 states has emerged. That’s down 1% from the four year average.

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There are four states behind their average – Wisconsin only has 68% emerged (down from the four year average of 75%); Indiana, only 74% emerged (compared to 87% average); Michigan is only 66% emerged (down from 80% average); and Kansas is 10% behind at 76% emerged.

Most remaining states report 90% or more of the corn has emerged.

Corn condition

Corn condition has improved a percent or two over last week’s rating. Current report shows 58% of the crop in good condition and 10%

is rated excellent. Last week was 57% good and 8% excellent.

Last year at this time, 61% of the corn planted was in good condition and 14% was in excellent condition.

Three states struggling with corn condition are Illinois, Indiana and Ohio. Illinois farmers report 50% in good condition and 9% excellent. In Indiana, 41% of the corn emerging is good and 5% excellent. And in Ohio, 41% is good and 8% excellent.

Soybeans planted

Soybean planting moves along, now reporting 83% of the acres planted.  That’s up 4% from the four year average of 79%.

Out of these 18 states, six are behind the average.

In the Midwest, Wisconsin and Missouri are struggling. They have less than 75% planted. Wisconsin has 73% planted and Missouri only 71% is in the ground. In Kansas, farmers report 59% of the fields are finished, but they are 2% ahead of the average.

Meanwhile, other states falling behind the national average include North Carolina with 57%, Kentucky with 60% and Tennessee with 62% complete.

Soybeans emerged

This week’s report shows that 58% of the soybeans have emerged, just 1% off the four-year average of 59%.

Wisconsin is one state that is struggling, with only 34% emergence, down 19% from the four-year average of 53%. Indiana is 17% behind their four-year average, reporting only 47% of soybeans emerged.

Other states that are behind the average include Kansas with 39%; Kentucky with 38%; Michigan with 46%; Missouri with 51%; North Carolina with 42% and Tennessee with 45%.


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