Dry Patches Develop in Midwest

July 24th, 2015


Category: Grains, Oilseeds

CornDrought450x299(Agriculture.com) – The southern and eastern regions of the Midwest continue to experience extremely wet conditions with above normal rainfall over the last 45 days, while areas of Iowa, South Dakota and Nebraska have seen significantly less precipitation.

Fields in western and northcentral Iowa have seen a deficit of about 2-3 inches of rain within the last few weeks, but milder temperatures are preventing significant yield loss, according to MDA Weather Services senior agriculture meteorologist, Kyle Tapley.

“Rains are expected to increase some in Iowa tomorrow through Monday, which should ease some of the dryness, but the rains will likely not be enough to completely replenish soil moisture,” explains Tapley.

Dry patches in eastern South Dakota and southeastern Nebraska should see showers early next week to help offset arid conditions.

The weekly U.S. Drought Monitor reports abnormal drought conditions in areas of northwest Iowa, eastern South Dakota and southeast North Dakota. Overall, the central U.S. remains drought-free.


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