Ark. extension service holds talk on benefits of growing, marketing non-GMO soybeans

November 5th, 2012


Category: Oilseeds

Soybeans take a hit(The Republic) – Two University of Arkansas economists who researched the market potential of non-genetically modified soybeans are to conduct a day of workshops at the Arkansas Farm Bureau.

The program set for Nov. 27 will delve into what growers need to know about certain varieties and how to have the crops certified as non-GMO.

Ron Rainey is co-director of the Southern Region Risk Management Education Center and a professor of economics for the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture. He has worked on the issue with his brother Dan Rainey, also a UA economics professor.

The brothers are working on research funded by the Arkansas Soybean Promotion Board that’s to determine the market potential of Arkansas-grown non-GMO soybeans.

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