L.A. Schools Re-Introduce Flavored Milk on Limited Basis

October 20th, 2016


Category: Dairy

Milk-Trio450x299(Dairy Herd Management) – Five years after banning flavored milks because of their sugar content, the Los Angeles school district is reintroducing flavored milks on a limited basis. L.A. school kids simply aren’t drinking white milk, and are discarding some 600 tons of organic waste—much of its half-full containers of white milk–every day.

The pilot programs will attempt to determine if adding flavored milks back to school menus will encourage kids to drink more milk, reports the Los Angeles Times.

The drop in milk consumption was predictable. Previous studies have shown milk consumption—and nutrition—drops when flavored milks are banned from school lunch programs.

In California, the milk contractor has agreed to lower the sugar content in flavored milks it offers in an attempt to placate food activists.


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